Berkeley Pharma Tech is dedicated to fostering innovation and leadership within the young scientists of today to make way for a brighter, more sustainable future.
We focus on developing young minds by creating the ideal environment for them to fulfill their potential by providing resources that empower experimentation and innovation.
We believe that our organizational presence will contribute to the advancement of humanity by offering young and talented minds the opportunity to freely research, explore, and develop cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs.
What we aspire to do through Berkeley Pharma Tech is offer integral services that encourage innovative thinking and skill development in the scientific leaders of tomorrow.
Our Hires
The people who work for Berkeley Pharma Tech have a firm belief in the necessity of fostering innovations today for a better tomorrow. We are a good mix of ideologists, pragmatists, and social entrepreneurs. We like coming up with new ideas, discussing them, using them to inspire others to action. We embrace diversity, and are inclusive of people of all ethnicities, ages, sex, experiences, viewpoints, and backgrounds.
Our Ways We Connect
We communicate via formal Zoom conferences and in-person meetings, as well as informal texts, phone calls, and emails. We are hands-on with troubleshooting, so any time during the business day is a good time to reach us. Our purpose is to work together to reach a common goal, thus intra-team reliance is a way of life. We are strong proponents of education, because education leads to team growth, which leads to success. Together, as a team, we can achieve more than each individual can apart.
Our Hobbies
In our spare time we like to indulge in hobbies that challenge our mind and body. Our collective pastimes include hiking, kayaking, tennis, sudoku, chess, yoga, and photography.
““Treat people as they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” ”