Equity Compensation


Berkeley Pharma Tech prides itself on rewarding its interns with a lumpsum of RSU’s. All of our interns are rewarded in shares that will be fully redeemable once our startup goes public. We want our interns to be the first ones to reap success once we go public.

University Credit

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At Berkeley Pharma Tech, we understand that the majority of our interns are students at accredited universities. We value all of our interns’ time and we are more than happy to honor university credit to our interns. Our interns’ universities deserve to know the amount of work that their students do for Berkeley Pharma Tech. For any questions in regards to university credit, please contact Vanloan Nguyen, Director, at nguyen@berkeleypharmatech.com.

Letter of Recommendation


After the completion of your internship term, you will personally receive a letter of recommendation from our director. This will open up the gateway for more opportunities in the field you decide to pursue. All letters are personalized to your accomplishments and they illustrate the amount of effort put towards the internship.